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Most Watchable Games for Non

Not everyone likes gaming. Picture the scene: you're with a perfect new partner who shares many of your likes and interests, but upon asking if they prefer shooters or RPGs, they respond with, "Oh, I don't really play games, though I enjoy Candy Crush---does that count?"

Before you say goodbye and resign yourself to an old age surrounded by cats, remember that some PC titles are as much fun to watch as to play, even for non-gamers. They might even encourage your other half to dip a toe into the world of gaming. Before you know it, you'll be organizing raids together and arguing about which is the best Fallout---or you might be single. Still, it's worth a shot.

Most Watchable Games for Non

Some gaming genres are much more watchable than others. Spending hours moving sliders and clicking on stats in a grand strategy game might be enjoyable for the player, but it's as exciting as looking at an Excel spreadsheet for all but the biggest fans.

Here are some of the best games non-gamers can enjoy watching, sorted by category. You'll probably notice horrors are recurring theme; they're certainly good viewing material, and as most of these games don't provide the player with weapons, make for an incredibly tense experience.

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