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Anatomy of a Storage Drive: Solid State Drives

  • 上海足浴kb记FVV
  • 2024-07-08 13:23:58
  • 7
  • 夜上海论坛_夜上海本地论坛 -- Shanghai Local Forum

It's magnetic. It's electric. It's photonic. No, this isn't going to be about a new superhero trio in the Marvel universe. This is all about our precious digital data. We need to store it somewhere secure and stable, in a way that lets us get hold of it and change it faster than you can blink. Forget Iron Man and Thor – we're talking about storage drives!

We've split the anatomy of storage in three parts, all published simultaneously to dissect hard disk drives, solid state storage, and optical drives.

Anatomy of a Storage Drive: Solid State Drives

TechSpot's Anatomy of Computer Hardware Series

You might have a desktop PC at work or home. You might use one to work out tax returns or play the latest games; you might even be into building and tweaking computers. But how well do you know the components that make up a PC?

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