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The Most Memorable Overclocking

Enthusiasts have been pushing the limits of silicon for as long as microprocessors have existed. Early overclocking endeavors involved soldering and replacing crystal clock oscillators, but that practice quickly evolved into changing system bus speeds via motherboard DIP switches and jumpers.

Internal clock multipliers were introduced but it didn't take long until those were locked down as unscrupulous sellers removed official frequency ratings and applied their own faster markings. System buses and dividers became key for most, while the ultra-enthusiast would physically change electrical specifications through hard modding.

The Most Memorable Overclocking

The present landscape harks back to the advent of internal clock multipliers. System bus speeds have become increasingly regulated to maintain system stability, which has once again leveled the playing field for the competitive nature of overclocking.

These are but a few of the landmark processors revered for their overclocking prowess. Read on!

Note: This feature was originally published on December 2014. We keep bumping it because CPU overclocking is as cool today as it's been since the i286 days. Part of our #ThrowbackThursday initiative.

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