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A Chat With Video Game Composer Christopher Tin

  • 爱上海同城XWE
  • 2024-07-03 11:06:59
  • 335
  • 夜上海论坛_夜上海本地论坛 -- Shanghai Local Forum

As part of our ongoing series that reviews the history of popular game franchises, TechSpot ran down the games in the Civilization franchise. We had an opportunity to sit down with the composer of the legendary title track for Civilization IV, Baba Yetu, Christopher Tin.

Tin is a champion of video game music and works passionately to grow the perception of video game soundtracks in the wider culture of classical music. Join us as we chat with Christopher about where video game music was, what it's like to compose the first video game music to win a Grammy, to where video game soundtracks might be headed. The interview is edited for length and clarity.

A Chat With Video Game Composer Christopher Tin

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