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Anatomy of a Monitor

  • 香草419龙凤QRI
  • 2024-07-03 12:56:56
  • 9
  • 夜上海论坛_夜上海本地论坛 -- Shanghai Local Forum

You're looking at one right now. It might be sitting on a desk, stuck on a wall, or cradled in your hand. Monitors have millions of components, but we usually only ever see just the one thing. It's sometimes black and sometimes a veritable rainbow of colors. Monitors don't get talked about with the same kind of fervent passion as CPUs and graphics cards, but they're just as important.

Nearly every computing device needs one to be used, so the insides of monitors must be something special, yes? Well, there's only one way to find out. Let's gear up and prep the theatre for another fascinating dissection of a crucial piece of hardware.

Anatomy of a Monitor

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